I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo for some time now (despite stating multiple times that I have no intention of it) and I’ve decided on getting a Peace Symbol. I’m also considering the Chinese symbol for ‘serenity.’ Now, I am aware that Oriental tattoos are somewhat of a cliché these days, but if you know me, or are a fan of Joss Whedon’s Firefly, it makes very much sense.

I’ll probably be looking into it next Friday or Saturday, when I get paid. God Bless Capitalism, it keeps the Commies at bay. Them and their fucking sharing.

Seriously, where do they get off?

I am vraiment tired

July 24, 2006

Amos Moses by Jerry Reed has got to be my favourite song at the moment. Yes I realise that it’s roots are country, but damn if it ain’t a great tune.

I got up this morning at 5:00am for my first day of work. That was the earliest I’ve gotten up since never. All I can say is thank Jebus for whoever it was that invented the coffee machine. Work seems like it could be interesting, but today I was le bored, as it was “this is where you can park your car” and “this is how to tie a shoelace” and “holding the scissors like this is a good way to get your dick chopped off” ecetera… ecetera…

You know, common sense stuff.

I know I have other non-work related things to say, but my brain is fried so I bid you adieu.

Employed? Moi!?

July 22, 2006

I got a job. Finally.

After a year and a half of slacking, I start work on Monday. I’m really looking forward to having a paycheck so that I can; buy CDs, buy DVDs, go back home to visit, and other fun shit. I’ll be blogging more regularily now, ‘cos now I’m actually gonna have shit to blog about, instead of “Yeah, so, I played San Andreas today.”

More to come.