
June 23, 2006

Do you like kumquats? I like kumquats, the way that they make my jaw tingle ‘cos of the sour insides and yet the skin is oh-so sweet. I was unsure as to why they were called “kum-quats” until i popped the first one into my mouth and bit into it, causing and explosion of juice and pulp.

It would have been erotic if a) I liked things to go ka-boom in my mouth or b) someone other than my grandmother had given them to me. True story.

Kumquats also go quite well with pineapples. My mom’s birthday was on the 20th of this month and I made her kumquat/pineapple/brown sugar pork. It was however lacking of ginger, so it was way too fucking rich.


So yeah, yesterday I turned 21. I now know that I’m getting older (in a good way) because I had forgotten that my birthday was coming up a few days earlier. Such trivialities no longer hold any stock with me.

Yeah, sure, you betcha it’s cool to hang out with family and get free shit, but really, it ain’t as if a birthday is an accomplishment that really needs to be pointed out. Unless you’re a baby, then in that case it does need to be pointed out; “Hurrah! You didn’t die of the croup!”

I haven’t posted here in a long time, mostly because it doesn’t interest me as much as it used to. I like having a blog and I will keep this blog until I die at the ripe old age of 42, but right now – at 20 and now 21 – I don’t really have anything to say that I haven’t said before. And yes, I’m a man who loves to repeat himself, but even I know when a one-track Willy needs to shut his pie-hole.

Not sayin’ goodnight, just sayin’…