One thing that I don’t like about Blogger/Blogspot/whatever It is called – No Garamond. Garamond is possibly the world’s most perfect and amazing text type ever conceived. Another funny thing about Blogger/Blogspot/whatever It is called – it’s spell checker fails to recognize “Blogspot” and “Blogger”. I find this to be quite ironic. Ah well, “nothing is perfect” it can be said.
Been thinking about video games lately. Been thinking that they are a great way of pacifying the mind to think a certain way. Certainly video games can help the mind grow, especially in younger audiences, but at the same time I think that Games are more of a crutch than anything. Does this mean I hate video games and will never play one again? No. I like video games, and I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that I get when I figure out a particularity difficult puzzle when it comes to “how to kill 20 guys in a room when I’m out of grenades and only have 15 rounds left in the clip”.

Is this sense of accomplishment worthy of my time? Not really, because it’s a false sense of accomplishment . Could not my time be better spent reading, writing, helping those with my super powers and what have you? Oh most definitely. That’s part of the reason I resurrected this blog.

But I’m still looking forward to a good video game worth my time

Why the interweb sucks

February 26, 2005

The last post here, the ramble about SLC Punk! should’ve been posted last night, however my net connection is dodgy at best, and I couldn’t get online until early this morning. Yes 11:30 is early. Shut up.

I’ve got an interesting proposition running right now. My and my best-bud-best-pally-pal are very seriously considering buying the greatest store ever. Round Again Records. Owning a record store has been a very wet dream of mine for a long time, as it has been for Rube. This is one of the first times I’ve been really excited about something that doesn’t involve false securities and a weekend of drunkenation.

We are SO going to have the whole High Fidelity vibe going;
“Get your patchouli stink out of my store!”

This will be so very awesome.

This is just classic.

Today’s ramble – Missing the point.

Have you seen SLC Punk! ? Yes? Good. No? Go buy/rent it today.
Why I like this film; It has some amazing writing and some good acting. Also, it drives through some very interesting points. Trends. The whole “Anarchy in the UK” thing, which as the main character in the film points out is stupid. Who the hell cares if Europeans are anarchist when oneself is trying to bring such a form [or lack thereof] of government to one’s own home? Should not one try to rectify the problems and sort out the shit storm at first before going on about the greatness of “away”?

Now, this is not to say that we should look elsewhere for examples. “Away” is often a place better than “here”.

I think people that follow the film with a religion based worship should be shot. Not with a gun mind you, but with some common-fucking-sense. I also believe that they’ve never watched the last 10 minutes of the film. Because the film does go into great detail, using the language and the imagery of more than one character to poke little holes into the logic of being a punk. Actually, the whole movie is about the futility, but none of these trendy-little-going-to-law-school-mother-fuckers get it.
The film is about life, about the evolution of growing up. Anarchy is the opposite of that, the lack of rules is a form of never ending lack of change.

My take at least. Form your own opinion.

Change the template for the blog. The whole “Black, dark, scary, boo-hoo, I’ve got a shitty life ‘cos my mommy took away my favourite sweater” vibe it was giving off angered me.

Anyone reading this blog should really go a check out MBLOG. I’ll let the content speak for itself. Anyways, I don’t really have anything much to blab about, but having this place to ramble on incoherently is going to be fun again.

Go unemployment!

Fiercely Co-Dependent

February 26, 2005

Ok. So I haven’t made a log in here since October. Why? Because I suck. Also, life has a way to become repetitive. When nothing changes, what do you really have to talk about? That’s right, fuck all. I was in a boring relationship and my job was like a windmill.

But now. Fuck me, I’m back and I’m loving it. How do I know I’m back? Because I quit my job. I quit my job, then had a conversation with an ex of mine, with whom I’m still on speaking terms with. I become indignant towards things that I used to loathe, but had recently become complacent towards.

I feel the poetry of my mind and of my heart pounding through my veins again, like I’ve been frozen and now I’m thawed out.