So. Me and my girlfriend both told each other we love each other tonight. So. Fuck you if you don’t care and fuck you if you do care. Because I feel too good to give a shit. So here I am, and there’s always a view of the long road up. And it never ends, it just goes and comes back around behind you, letting you know that you’re not really ever going anywhere, you’re just watching the world move around you.

So drink up, smoke out your lungs and puke in the ditch. Because it’s all a laugh.



September 23, 2004

My life is in ruins. Fable has nearly completely encompassed my waking life. It makes me forget to eat, to sleep, to smoke and to consume caffeine. Fuck is it ever a damn good game. I must say, better than Morrowind, and that’s not something that I can say with any ease. I sit and eat and think, “Jeez, instead of eating, my time could be better spent playing Fable.” I’ve barely even touched my PC since I got the game.


Ah well, all is good I suppose. I’ve got the girl, my best friends got the girl, and my cravings for the future seem to grow with each passing day. It’s kinda fucked, but for the first time in my life, I’ve got my shit together. Of course I’m still poorer than said shit, but JE-ZUS it is all grand.

Anywho, it’s nearly a quarter past 3 in the morning, and I’ve got to get up semi-early in the morn.

Ok. I admit it. I was wrong. I concede the point to Rube. Art is not mathematical, it is not pure science. I won’t say that there is not form to it, I just will not say that it is purely and strictly without soul. IT IS PURE SOUL. Art is vice, it is an extention of one’s soul and it is the expression of the mind and of the heart in a way that resounds emotionally. Art is not about selling out or showing off, it is about getting all the shit out of you onto paper, rock, concrete or to music.

And hell if it matters if anyone likes it, it’s about you. If other people appreciate it, then it is super-duper excellent. To create art is to create one’s self, to create for others is nothing other then attempting to receive accolades and to get laid. All those assholes that read their own words in front of people, their poems or a chapter from their book, all they want is to get their dick sucked.

Now, to perform music, or a play is different, because music is meant to be live in front of an audience. The music goes hand in hand with a live audience, the audience becomes part of the experience, part of the art.

True artists never express themselves completely, there is always something left unsaid, something they wish they could remember. Those that claim to and believe that they express themselves completely are full of shit, and they are nothing more than hacks.

Oh yeah…

September 13, 2004

September 11th is now “Patriot Day?” Fuck you George. Fuck you right in the ear.

I’ve been thinking, which, you know, can’t be a good thing. Also I’ve been drinking, which, you know, also can’t be a good thing. I used to like Guinness, but now it grates my taste buds like a cheese grater. Bletch. It’s like they got a horse drunk, got it to piss in a keg and then let it ferment over a period of 948237 years. Total ass, YUCK!

I think the real reason I “liked” Guinness is because nobody else does. Because I have to be so fucking different, like a black man in the Vatican or something similar. It all falls back to the whole conforming and trend thing I like to ream on. By going against the trends and going against conformity for the mere sake of being different is in of it’s self intellectually bankrupt. By being “anti-trend” on purpose I am being more trendy the those assholes who walk around trying to be black.

At least they have the excuse of having such a low intellect that the idea of an individual thought is as foreign to them as a belt of acid is to a Mormon.

And I’ve still got 3 Guinness’ left. Goddamnit.

Shame is a one way street

September 13, 2004

Fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck. Life’s a bitch, life’s a blast, you itch and then it’s past. Who would have known that doing laundry is such a simple task? Not I, which is why I avoided doing it for the last 3 weeks. But, it, as does everything, caught up to me, and I had to do, so props to me and my mad laundry skills.

It’s so damned simple, and here I was dreading it because I figured it would be so complicated and convoluted. Which begs the question, how many other things do we avoid because of fear/laziness? Could we not be grand if we just applied ourselves, gave a shit, got off our assess and actually tried? I think we could, so no more living your life in the backseat, ok?

Get off your fucking ass and take the muthafuckin’ wheel to your shoulder.

Busy last couple days. Spent Monday recuperating from Chris’ BBQ, then Tuesday I had a panic attack at work and quit. Which was a very bad call, because you know, I need to fuckin’ work, you know, so I can buy food. Then Tuesday evening I went to my girlfriend’s house for supper and met her family, which was a little stressful, yet enjoyable. First home-cooked meal in a helluva long time. But today I got my job back. Phew.
[Edit – Oh yeah, I forgot; last night I spent 2 hours dealing with my ex’s stupid shit. Fuck she needs a brain. SO very glad I’m never, ever going to see her again. *crosses fingers*]

Anywho, enough about me, it’s random sentence generator time!

“The way to the light is away from the darkness, and perpendicular to the road.”

Got very, very inebriated last night, an exceedingly grand time, even if I’m not a very big fan of losing the ability to think clearly and speak with articulation. Acted like a whore, but all in all t’was good. Lost the whole “being single” status.


Generation Jaded

September 5, 2004

We are making good time
But the destination keeps changing
We are going so very far
But we always end up here

Too stoned to realize that the voices are not in our heads
Too sexed up to realize that we should all go home and sleep
Too stupid to realize that we are not alone in the world

Generation Jaded, so much dumber than the last
Generation Jaded says; “Fuck you Generation X!”
Generation Jaded, so little promise, so little time
Generation Jaded says; “Meh”

We hear it everyday non-stop
But it all becomes background noise
We hear the singing today
But we tend to jump from song to song

Got 6 more gmail invites if anyone wants one. Apparently google really likes me. Which is fine by me, ‘cos I really like google.

Google> All else > Lycos > Yahoo! > Cancer

Got my phone today. Cool shit it is, been dicking around with the camera on it. It’s super keen. Pam was supposed to call me, but no! apparently she’s unable to do so. Which sucks, because she’s the first girl I’ve had an interest in in a long time.

Ah well, more piss in the bottle of life.

Some shit went down when I was hanging out with Rube today. Good times, and yet, not so good. Heh. He’ll get that, but you motherfuckers won’t, and you never will, so HAH!

I’m loving “To the 5 Boroughs” by the Beastie Boys. I’m really not one for hip-hop/rap at all, but these guys are the exception. Other CD purchases today: Pink Floyd – The Final Cut and Sam Roberts – The Inhuman Condition.

My guitar playing is actually starting to sound good, which is super-duper-excellent. Now I don’t sound like a pengiun blowing a seal. Erm…. I mean, gasket.