Trends. Yummy, yummy trends. You see them walking down the street together, clustered together because they can’t have their own fucking identity. See, people need cliques. They need a safety net. They need to look the same, it’s a placebo sense of belonging. Whether it be the oh-so-very rebellious punk look, the oh-so-very scary goth look or the ever popular coke addicted 16 year old with a 4 year old kid walking down the street with a baby carriage that’s held together with duct tape. You know, trailer trash. And if these amalgamate……..

Oh God it burns.

Nietzche, revisited

August 31, 2004

“Our thoughts are not our experiences, they are an echo and the after-effect of our experiences.”

This is true, but what does it matter? But really, if our thoughts are shaped by our experiences, would they not in turn affect our future experiences? So, if our thoughts shift the experiences of life, do our thoughts not become a sort of experience?

This is some heavy, heavy stuff. I need to have a smoke or some more caffeine. Or less, whichever will help me understand.

So yeah, more caffeine, sweet, sweet life giving caffeine.

thus spoke zarathustra

August 31, 2004

Nietzche is full of shit. Fuck.

Anyways, my good-old-best-buddy-in-the-whole-wide-world did me a huge favour today. See a while back I lent/gave him a guitar. This guitar sucked, and he hated it, but kept it just because he’s “too nice to say shit about it”. Anywho, seeing as how I’ve been broke and starving, he hocked it off and gave me the cash. Sweet beautiful nutricious pizza pockets and Dr. Pepper. You know, the staples.

Much <3<3<3<3 to Rueben.

Well I guess things are supposed to be interesting, you know, keep yourself on your toes interesting. Nothing changes really, nothing specific, you as a person always remain the same. It’s just the world and the circumstances around you that change. Things are always changing, which is such a bastard because you can never catch up to the game. You get something, and by the time you do, you realize that you don’t need to anymore, you’ve gotta get on top of the next thing coming your way.

Yup, we’re always boned.

Well fuck me. I figured, Rube’s gotta a blog, I may as well be an asshole and copy him. Because an asshole is what I really am, or so I’ve been told on occasion. Aside from the fact that I’m flat broke, and have nothing but 6 packs of Ramen to eat until Friday I’m feeling good. Why? Because I’m free from my ex. I have no feelings for her left. Goddamn that feels good, and yet, my stomach is constricted. Why? Because I’m a hungry hungry hippo.

What to expect from this blog – bullshit. Lots and lots of bullshit. Schizophrenic bullshit, poetic bullshit, socio-political bullshit, and plain old bullshit-bullshit.

It’ll be a blast.
