I’ve removed all links to any sites on here, and I’d ask anyone that has me linked on their blog/site to remove their links as well. I’m not really going to explain my reasoning other than ‘linking’ someone seems to be somewhat of a ‘status symbol.’

Thank you kindly.

I fixed my diskman.

July 30, 2005


I broke my diskman.

July 30, 2005


I got up late today, at about 3:00 pm as I only got to bed around 10:00 am. Spent part of the day working on the upcoming Near Fantastica: The Comic – which needs a better name by the way – mostly, and only on Anton’s persona. It is his site, thus I figured he will be the main character.

Anton is clearly of asain decent with long hair and yet on paper I somehow managed to make him look like a female mexican with a gross pornstar mustache. But I fixed that and changed his mustache to look like a chinese warlords, just to get away from the creepy pornstar look. He actually turned looking bad-ass, striking a John Travolta pose from Saturday Night Fever.

If Christy gets a scanner hopefully she’ll do the actual artwork on the comic instead, because otherwise my perfectionist attitude will end up making each strip taking 5 years to be made.

The moral of this story is that Dolly Parton has gigantic tits. It’s a fact.


July 29, 2005

– .[moriarty]. dun dun dun (ihitwomen.ytmnd.com) says:
im not asian enough 😦

Ok, now I’m perfectly aware that some of you may dislike The Trews. ‘You’ mainly being Rube, who, in my opinion has the shodiest of musical tastes and Teo, who dislikes them due to the “rew” sound in their name. [The Killing Shrews] And I’m not sure if anyone else likes them. Frankly [that’s a word I’ve been over-using lately] I don’t give a cup of piss or vinegar if you like them or not. I fucking love their stuff.

House of Ill Fame, their debut album in 2003, is a personal favourite of mine. It’s a killer album. I have a spot on myspace [Yes Anton, I know eGHETTO.net will be a million times better] that I use to keep tabs on some bands and to find some new stuff that I wouldn’t hear of otherwise as I listen nevermore to the radio by choice. Originally I joined so I could harass Jesse Parkes in the band no data a local band from my hometown and to also harass Link, Rube’s older brother.

But I digress. The Trews music tends to make want to dance like a monkey, which is a very frightening thing, due to the fact that I’m whiter than Ben Stein. I’m quite out of the loop when it comes to the music these days, due to the fact that I refuse to get sucked in by the MTV nation and radio. I won’t allow that fluff to damage my ears when I could be listening to actual music. Again, I digress, I found The Trews Myspace account. They have a new album coming out in August and on the Myspace account they have their new single, which is awesomer than pie.

http://www.myspace.com/thetrews – The song is called “So She’s Leaving” check it out.

MSN Insanity

July 29, 2005

Ok, so most of the people that read this already know what I’m talking about, ‘cos they were involved. That aside, a bunch of people from The Bored had a ginormous [is that even a word? sorry I really should be sleeping right now] chat. It fluctuated in size but averaged out to about 6 users over the course of 5 hours bantering back and forth, mostly mocking cavalier eternal, though both Anton and I admitted to substituting the word “Frak” for the word “Fuck” in real life.


Reuben McLeod of the Clan McLeod joined The Bored today. That means that out of the 7 people that I know for a fact read this on a regular to semi-regular basis, 5 are members of The Bored. Teo, you don’t count as a member ‘cos you only posted once, you need to post more, m’kay?

So that means only Daniel Hoffmann-Gill is the only person who hasn’t joined.


I jest of course.

Seriously serious though Anton and JFK, we need to make this a regular thing. Or get people to use the fraking chat.


That is all for now.

Ok, so Dr. Pepper is by far the world’s most perfect soft drink, or pop, or soda, or whatever you want to call them, but recently I saw an advertisement for “Dr. Pepper Vanilla.” This angers me. More than it should, I know, but still, why are they messing with the world’s most perfect formula? First We’ve got Lemon Coke and Pepsi, then Vanilla Coke and Pepsi and then Lime Coke and Pepsi.

Fine, mess around with the standard ‘Cola’ flavour, no one really likes it anyway. But don’t you dare touch Dr. Pepper.

Note; this post was written by a guy who has an empty 2 litre bottle of Dr. Pepper next to the monitor, drunk in the period of about an hour, straight from the bottle, with more to come.

Fucking people.

July 28, 2005


suffocate for me, you can pretend that you’re pretty says:
maybe you need to post less

suffocate for me, you can pretend that you’re pretty says:
think about it

Dan – People need to post more on The Bored damnit. Seriously serious, snap to it people. says:


[soon thereafter]

Meow… says:
lol, maybe you need to post less

Dan – People need to post more on The Bored damnit. Seriously serious, snap to it people. says:
jesus, that’s what satty said :/

Meow… says:
great minds

Dan – People need to post more on The Bored damnit. Seriously serious, snap to it people. says:
think alike?

Meow… says:
lol, yeah…

Dan – People need to post more on The Bored damnit. Seriously serious, snap to it people. says:
well, then that means I’ve got a poor mind, and i’m not big on that train of thought 😦